Sunday, September 13, 2009

"It's Not about the Technology" by Kelly Hines

"Teachers today must be perpetual learners who are invested in their professions. We must be up to date on current trends, research and tools. We must know what our students are doing and where they are coming from when they enter our classrooms." an excerpt from Ms. Hines' post.

I completely agree with this statement. In order to be a successful teacher, one must be passionate about learning! As a future teacher, I must evaluate what I know and build on it to enhance the student's performance! Kelly Hines also explains that "Technology is useless without good teaching." It's like having all the materials to build a fire, but you don't take the initiative to actually do it. Why not make better use out of the the technology that is already in schools? Before I entered this class, my academic career, pertaining to technology, consisted of computers only being used for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. Though many of my schools had available new technologies such as the SmartBoard, I do not remember a single teacher using them to their advantage.

One could be a 21st century teacher without technology, but they are missing out on the benefits that technology brings to the classroom.The trend of today's students is technology. Though it may seem intimidating at first, in my opinion, teachers must utilize technology to its fullest.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my post. I enjoyed your insights. I hope you will be that teacher who engages, excited and educates!
